Are you looking for a fun, gluten-free snack to give your kids? Look no further than the Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks. I recently received a free sample of these snacks from Betty Crocker. Unfortunately, I couldn't eat these because I currently have braces and my orthodontist would flip out if I tried eating these! I passed these treats on to my coworker who has three kids. Her older daughter loved them! As a matter of fact, she found her daughter eating a package of them for breakfast one morning at 6am!! They are a quick snack that you can easily throw in your kids' lunch boxes and they are gluten-free.
Here is what Betty Crocker has to say about the snacks:
All the fun.
None of the gluten.
Betty Crocker® Fruit Flavored Snacks are Gluten Free.
We know how hard it is to find fun and exciting gluten free snacks for your kids to enjoy. That’s why we are happy to let you know that Betty Crocker® Fruit Flavored Snacks are made 100%, without a doubt, gluten free. So when snack time comes, every kid can experience the joy of eating fun, great tasting snacks.
Do you want to try these snacks? If so, leave a comment telling me why you would like to try these gluten-free Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks after this posting and I will pick someone at random to receive a FREE prize pack with samples of the snacks.
Here is what Betty Crocker has to say about the snacks:
All the fun.
None of the gluten.
Betty Crocker® Fruit Flavored Snacks are Gluten Free.
We know how hard it is to find fun and exciting gluten free snacks for your kids to enjoy. That’s why we are happy to let you know that Betty Crocker® Fruit Flavored Snacks are made 100%, without a doubt, gluten free. So when snack time comes, every kid can experience the joy of eating fun, great tasting snacks.
Do you want to try these snacks? If so, leave a comment telling me why you would like to try these gluten-free Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks after this posting and I will pick someone at random to receive a FREE prize pack with samples of the snacks.
Labels: "Betty Crocker", "gluten free", snack
I would love to try these sugary delights. Currently I am taking sweets and making my own little packages so that I don't completly pig out - oink. How nice it would be to have these pre-packaged treats ready for the lunch box, gym bag, get the idea. I truly have a sweet tooth - Imagine me on a treadmill eatting one of these -it will happen. Smiles
I'd love to give these to my dd, who is in a group home. She is gluten free and so one of the other clients in the same home. I've convinced my dh to go gluten free. He's on his third week and doing very well. I've been gluten free for years but probably should have been as a child but no one ever thought about celiac disease in the 1960s.
Scrappin Not Nappin
Any quickie Gluten free, easy to tote is appreciated by me. I carry a few goods in the car or in my purse to prevent, any time, the jitters when I need food. It is a good thing to be prepared, just in case. Thanks!
Because I just like them and they make you feel and think like a kid again!....he he! fun!
Congrats to Sarah for being the first commenter on this post! Your package is on it's way!
I would LOOOOOVE for my daughter to have these for her lunchbox treats. She is 6 years old and has Celiac Disease. She goes to a public school and doesn't even complain (very much) about all of her friends eating gluten, or the school lunch while she brings hers everyday. I need more variety in what I can pack in her lunch! This would be awesome. She was only diagnosed 1 year ago, so she KNOWS what it is like to eat gluten and the baked cupcakes and cookies at school parties. Now she can't and it hurts as a mom to see her pain. But, thankfully, she is a trooper and just being able to access websites like yours is very helpful.
Thanks for this offer!!
C. Griffith
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