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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Happy Celiac Awareness Day: Celebration Tips
Today is Celiac Awareness Day. Never could I have imagined this day five years ago, let alone 30 years ago when I was diagnosed in 1981. Yep... thirty whole years of living gluten-free and proud of it!

Some of you reading might think that this day isn't worth celebrating because you are still feeling really sick or you are struggling being gluten-free. Trust me, it gets better and you are living in the gluten-free primes of your lives! You have hundreds of gluten-free options on supermarket shelves and online, you have Facebook/Twitter/blogs to connect with other gluten-free folks, and you have so much more awareness than ever before. Now is your chance to not only educate yourself about Celiac Disease, but to educate others.

In honor of Celiac Awareness Day, here are my suggestions of how to celebrate the day.

1. Join a local or online Celiac support group. Realize you are not alone in your gluten-free life.

2. Try a new gluten-free recipe. Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen. Sometimes my biggest mistakes end up being the most delicious.

3. Wear your gluten-free pride! Buy a t-shirt, button, or apron for your favorite Celiac.

4. Travel. Too many people are scared to travel gluten-free, but you shouldn't let Celiac stop you. Book a trip to celebrate your gluten-free living but do your research first! You'd be surprised to find some great Celiac associations around the globe.

5. Encourage a first-degree relative to get tested for Celiac Disease. Among people who have a first-degree relative, a parent, sibling, or child—diagnosed with celiac disease, as many as 1 in 22 people may have the disease.

6. Teach one person about Celiac Disease. Share this Celiac Disease checklist with someone who never heard of Celiac before. Encourage them to share with one another person. Celiac isn't contagious, but spreading awareness is!

7. Thank your local grocer for carrying gluten-free products. If your local store doesn't carry your favorite gluten-free product, encourage them to start selling it and let them know there is a demand for gluten-free food on their shelves.

8. Take a picture of your favorite gluten-free food and post it on Flickr!

9. Get excited when you see a gluten-free product placement or hear the words "Celiac Disease" on tv. It may be cheesy, but trust me... this never happened thirty years ago.

10. Follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Ok, shameless self-promotion but if it wasn't for social media I wouldn't have "met" some of you amazing fans and friendsthat I have today.




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